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Data Structure Programs PDF

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DataStructure-Program to add a new node to the asscending order linked list.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <alloc.h>
/* structure containing a data part and link part */
struct node
int data ;
struct node *link ;
} ;
void add ( struct node **, int ) ;
void display ( struct node * ) ;
int count ( struct node * ) ;
void delete ( struct node **, int ) ;
void main( )
struct node *p ;
p = NULL ; /* empty linked list */
add ( &p, 5 ) ;
add ( &p, 1 ) ;
add ( &p, 6 ) ;
add ( &p, 4 ) ;
add ( &p, 7 ) ;
clrscr( ) ;
display ( p ) ;
printf ( "\nNo. of elements in Linked List = %d", count ( p ) ) ;
/* adds node to an ascending order linked list */
void add ( struct node **q, int num )
struct node *r, *temp = *q ;
r = malloc ( sizeof ( struct node ) ) ;
r -> data = num ;
/* if list is empty or if new node is to be inserted before the first node */
if ( *q == NULL || ( *q ) -> data > num )
*q = r ;
( *q ) -> link = temp ;
/* traverse the entire linked list to search the position to insert the new node */
while ( temp != NULL )
if ( temp -> data <= num && ( temp -> link -> data > num || temp -> link == NULL ))
r -> link = temp -> link ;
temp -> link = r ;
return ;
temp = temp -> link ; /* go to the next node */
/* displays the contents of the linked list */
void display ( struct node *q )
printf ( "\n" ) ;
/* traverse the entire linked list */
while ( q != NULL )
printf ( "%d ", q -> data ) ;
q = q -> link ;
/* counts the number of nodes present in the linked list */
int count ( struct node *q )
int c = 0 ;
/* traverse the entire linked list */
while ( q != NULL )
q = q -> link ;
c++ ;
return c ;

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Data Structure