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The government should stop funding IIT's and IIM's and, instead divert the funds to primary education


- Primary education is compulsory for a person to build his/her personality but due to the under developed nature of India, not every individual receives primary education.

- Government should make a conscious effort to make more people literate rather than concentrating their sum on a small and confined population.

- Students from IIT’s and IIM’s are migrating from India to other countries for better jobs leaving a sour taste in everyone’s mind.

- Illiterate people in India are incapable of meeting the expenses of the primary schools let alone IIT’s and IIM’s. So, government should divert the funds on educating them with the primary education rather than giving it to IIT’s and IIM’s.

- Students going to IIT’s and IIM’s are self capable of paying the expenses that are required for these colleges.

- Compulsory primary education is necessary for the overall growth of the country.


- India being a developing nation needs these institutes to polish the young talent to perform on the international front.

- Students’ migrating from these institutes results in the increase of our economy while connecting us globally.

- The growth of young talent in India requires better education and reorganization as the talent pool is vast and ever growing in India.

- IIT’s and IIM’s produce brilliant minds that can help in shaping India democratically and make it a better democratic country.

- Students are coming to these institutes from other countries thus generating revenue for India.

- It is the students of IIM, IIT and other big institues who help in creating employment opportunities in India.

Source: Contents are provided by Technicalsymposium Google Group Members. Disclaimer: All the above contents are provided by Google Group members. Further, this content is not intended to be used for commercial purpose. is not liable/responsible for any copyright issues.

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