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Download Free Placement Materials with Answers

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* Whats RTOS, why RTOS?

* Differences between GPOS & RTOS.

* Scheduling, priority inversion/inharitance.

* Priority inharitance bug in Vxwroks 5.3 which I didnt know about. Jim explaning me this issue in VxWorks 5.3 and that WindRiver fixed it in newer version 5.4.

* Some C++ question on inharitance, virtual methods.

* What happens when base class pointers pointing to inherited call object. Would a compiler give an error?

* Simple C questions like- returning local from a function, passing by value/reference.

* Now if you are linking a.o with math.lib which also has above two functions, what would be the result? If there is no error, why?

* How library file are included during linking?

* If you remove add() function definition from above code and then link with math.lib, results is an error. Why?

This discussion lasted close to an hour.

* Inheritance in C++.

* About my earlier work on SONET.

* She was from Transwitch asked me what transwitch devices we used in our products.

* Drivers used. Did we use our own drivers or supplied drivers from vendors. Why/Why not?

* little endian/big endian.

* C program to convert little endian to big endian. Implement htons.

* Convert little to big endian using UNIONS. ( I coudnt do this one).

* Padding in structures. How to do it?

* Word alignment. Exception generated when there is a misaligned address.

* Why alignment is required?

* Bitwise calculations.

* Adding four numbers using bitwise operator. Why bitwise?

* How bitwise operations are better than simple addition?

Source: Contents are provided by Technicalsymposium Google Group Members.
Disclaimer: All the above contents are provided by Google Group members.
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