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Download Free Placement Materials with Answers

Free Placement Papers PDF

1.REASONING:- In this section the ques is based on seriese of alphabets lile find the how many letters are not in theire currect place like abcfedghilkjmnorqpstuvwxyz. and some ques on sitting arrangement.

2.VERBAL:-in this section the ques based on fill in the blanks ans find the error and comprehension and some ques on jumbeled sentence and analogy and synonyms and antonyms ques..

3.TECHNICAL:-1.some c que ques like what is the out put of the program like

void main()


int i=0;

for( ; ; )








2.which converts the assembly lang into objectcode.

(1) compiler.

(2) linker.


3.whict protocol is used when file through internet is send from one server to another server.




4.which protocol is used for file transfer



5.what is the output of program

void main()


int i;

{ int i=3;




6.recursen is used to

ans:-(1)reduce the execution time

7. accessing of tap in a machin is like




8.the tuple in a table represent the



so there is 25 ques in verbal section and 22 in aptitute and 21-21 ques in tech and reasoning sections.


1.tell me abt urself? many lang u know? u know the concept of database?

4.implement the link list ?

5.make a prog of fabbonacci series?

6.make a program to find the given in string is palandrom or not?

7.types of data structure?

8.what is abstract class?

9.def.of binary tree?

10.types of access specifire?

11.diff b/w private and protected acc. spe..?

12.diff b/w multiple and multilevel inheritence?

13.draw the basic archetecture of computer?

14.diff of friend function?

15.what is virtual function ?

HR :-

1 tell me abt urself? was the written test? many brothers and sisters do u have?

4.occupation of ur father ?

5.ur native place?

6.tell me abt ur hobbies?

7.can u live alone?

8.have u been to pune? and if yes so how many times? many cities u have been visited ?

10.why should i select u?

11.tell me abt ZENSAR?

Source: Contents are provided by Technicalsymposium Google Group Members.
Disclaimer: All the above contents are provided by Google Group members.
Further, this content is not intended to be used for commercial purpose. is not liable/responsible for any copyright issues. Quick Links & Study Notes PDF- Free Download